Studio Lessons
Per Lesson
Lessons x35
Month x10
30 Mins
45 Mins
Mobile Lessons
Per Lesson
Lessons x35
Month x10 |
30 Mins |
45 Mins
Registration Fee : £65
Secures your lesson time for a year, all curriculum books
and many supplementary materials.
Please note I am currently fully booked for mobile teaching.
Learning music at a young age can be a wonderful head start for your child. Working with the Wunderkeys curriculum will take your child (ages 3 to 5) on a magical journey where they acquire the piano skills, keyboard awareness, and rhythmic understanding needed for a successful future at the piano. Using a story-based format with loveable characters, off-bench learning, game-based teaching, and age-appropriate music, Wunderkeys Piano for pre-schoolers sets the stage for a long future at the piano.
Book 1 encourages exploration of the piano in ways that are accessible and appropriate for this age group. All lessons are geared toward having young children understand all they need to know before learning to read notated music. Students will learn symbol-to-sound recognition, practice finger independence, and coordination, improve aural awareness, play long sounds and short sounds on black keys, play high and low sounds on black keys, play sounds moving higher and lower, and learn math skills to assist musical understanding.
Each student will receive a tailored music curriculum. I use Wunderkeys for students that need a slower approach to learning and Piano Time for those students that need a quicker pace. I focus on maximising the fun factor from the very start, getting kids creating music from the word go! I teach piano through music reading, but also away from the page; playing super fun games, doing improvisation and getting students to compose their own music! We have such a good time together that your child won’t even realise that this is an “educational experience”. They'll come to lessons because they love it, and it’s this environment which I believe can instil a lifelong love for music and all the benefits that come along with it.
Music Books and Games Library available!
ADULT LESSONS I use a few curriculums for teaching adults and teenagers depending on their experience. For adult and teen beginners I use the Wunderkeys curriculum for Older Beginners. For more details visit: www.wunderkeys.com and https://youtu.be/miX6xy7g738
"Emma is a fantastic piano teacher and I have 2 daughters who love learning to play. Emma has time for them and is happy to go at their different paces." E.Springall |